Who We Are

RUGGERI & GALLI, is an Italian full service Law Firm with English speaking lawyers meeting the varied legal needs of individuals, and businesses throughout the entire Italian territory.

Ruggeri & Andreocci Legal and Tax Assistance

Our English speaking lawyers handle a wide range of legal matters. We recognize that many of our practice areas may overlap with other areas. This interdisciplinary method has been proven to provide our clients with a truly comprehensive and knowledgeable approach to their legal concerns.

Businesses Representation

The law firm provides a full range of legal services for businesses. We have assisted numerous business clients in expanding their business in the Italian peninsula, and have also provided services to Italian companies operating in other parts of the world. We provide complete legal assistance for all facets of operations – from the establishment and registering of the business, to business growth and evolution, to winding-up and dissolution, when necessary.

Individual Representation

We provide legal help to foreign individuals living in Italy, as well as to ex-pat residents and property owners, in a variety of matters concerning Italian law, including personal injury, family law, real estate law, contractual law. We seek to be the law firm that you trust whenever you require counsel, and represent clients in any type of civil litigation.
Rome lawyer Luca Ruggeri

Luca Ruggeri


An Italian attorney, and a member of the Bar Association of Velletri, Rome, qualified to stand before civil, criminal, and juvenile courts of first and second instance throughout Italy, including District and Appellate.

Areas of expertise: business law, citizenship cases, personal injury, contractual law, real estate law, debt collection, family law.

Education: University of Rome – Tor Vergata, 2006

Tax Advisor Fabrizio Andreocci

Fabrizio Andreocci


Certified accountant, member of the Association of Chartered Accountants of Rome, member of National Accounting Auditors, specialized in Italian and European tax law for foreign individuals and organizations investing or doing business in Italy.

Education: degree in Economics and Commerce, University of Rome – Università della Tuscia

Rome lawyer Alessio Galli

Alessio Galli


An Italian attorney, member of the Bar Association of Velletri, Rome.

Areas of expertise: debt collection law, contractual law, family law, inheritance law.

Education: University of Rome – Tor Vergata, 2008

Rome lawyer Simona Guerra

Simona Guerra


An Italian attorney, member of the Bar Association of Rome.
Areas of expertise: Injury & Accident Claims, debt collection.

Education: Graduated in law at the Unicusano University, Rome, 2018

Rome lawyer Valeria Pavan

Valeria Pavan


An Italian attorney, member of the Bar Association of Velletri, Rome.
Areas of expertise: family law, inheritance law, medical malpractice, landlord/tenant.

Education: Graduated with honours in law at the Tor Vergata University, Rome, 2014.

Rome lawyer Alberto Scarito

Alberto Scarito


Labor consultant with decades of experience in the entire full management of the human resources cycle of small and large companies, from payroll management to labor litigation. He deals with collective bargaining, crisis management, regulatory audits and offers consultancy and assistance to foreign companies that want to hire in Italy by setting up branches or tax and social security representations.

Raffaele Ciminà


An Italian national and a former employee of the Consulate General of Italy in Philadelphia, USA. Qualified to perform accurate translations from English to Italian and vice versa. Deep knowledge of the necessary steps for the acquisition of dual citizenship by qualified foreigners of Italian descent.

Areas of expertise: Assistance in dual citizenship process, professional translator, consultant in Italian consular matters, assistance in acquisition of study visas for US study abroad students.

Education: University of Rome – La Sapienza – B.A. Business Administration

Legal and Tax Assistance Ruggeri & Galli

Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws. – Plato

Ask one of our Experts!

We’re here to help answer your questions. Judicial or Tax matters can be complicated, our experts are on hand to help inform you of every aspect regarding your topic.


Should you require any further information regarding our services, please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact form below.

We will contact you as soon as possible, with a free response specific to your inquiry.


Your information will be treated as confidential and we will not pass it on to any third party.


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