Corporate law

Starting a business in Italy as a foreigner?
We offer assistance for company formation.

Branch offices, representative offices, accounting, and payroll in your language.

We are able to assist you throughout the entire company incorporation procedure, preparing and drafting the necessary company documents, registering the company at the Italian Trade Register, obtaining the Tax identification and the VAT number (“Codice Fiscale” and “Partita Iva”), opening a corporate bank account, offering also any other legal and accounting services to your new business ( tax compliance services, payroll, contractual consultancy, etc).
We can also provide you with a virtual office if you do not have an available office in Italy for your business.

Get Started: contact our law firm

at +39 328 965 2210 or +39 333 276 9356 

Just fill out this form and we will be in touch immediately.

Pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and the EU Reg. 2016/679 laying down provisions for the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data, we wish to inform you that the personal data you provide will be processed in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Some extra information: FAQ

As regard company registration in italy, there is no citizenship or residency requirement to incorporate an Italian company. Under Italian law any foreigner can incorporate a company in Italy, as long as the principle of reciprocity applies with the foreigner’s home country.
The procedure is quite simpe: you send us the data about your planned company. This includes company name, business activity, and a copy of your passport. We get a personal tax ID for you (codice fiscale). We can establish your company remotely, you don’t need to come to Rome In 10 days, you receive your company tax ID (VAT number). At this point, you can start invoicing your clients with the new company. In 15 days your company is fully registered at the Chamber of Commerce.
When you establish a company with us, you will receive the following: Company deed, including shares, bylaws, and title of ownership Company tax ID
Yes, you can give us a power of attorney with a Hague Apostille. However, in order to open a bank account, the banker will need to see you once in person.
Yes, the company will have a Italian tax ID, which is the VAT number. With the tax ID, your Italian company can do business anywhere in the EU. If the company will be exchanging frequent invoices with companies in the EU but outside Italy, then we will list the Italian entity in the EU VAT registry (censo VIES) so you won’t have to bill and be billed for VAT in your EU transactions.
You need a “codice fiscale” in Italy if you want to create a company. If you live near an Italian embassy or consulate in your home country, you can go and fill out the form. If you want to do this in Italy, you can go to the nearest tax office (Agenzie delle Entrate). They will give you a temporary tax ID number in person, but you must have a mailing address in Italy where they can mail you the permanent one. We provide complete corporate services — legal, accounting, taxes, payroll, and customer support — to international clients.

Legal and Tax Assistance Ruggeri & Galli

Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws. – Plato

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Should you require any further information regarding our services, please do not hesitate to contact us using the contact form below.

We will contact you as soon as possible, with a free response specific to your inquiry.


Your information will be treated as confidential and we will not pass it on to any third party.


Pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/03 and the EU Reg. 2016/679 laying down provisions for the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data, we wish to inform you that the personal data you provide will be processed in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).